Creating a soccer team to represent your town or school is one thing but keeping them motivated and inspired throughout the season is another. Yes, you may be a good coach or an organizer but whether you like it or not, there will be times where in keeping your players focused can get extremely difficult.
As a mentor, it is your goal to keep your players motivated during the entire season to bring home the trophy. Your player effect on your team’s success, by motivating your players effectively, then will learn lots of things more than just winning the game and that includes, learning life lessons, having fun, improving their skills and becoming better players and people in the future. But how do you keep players motivated? Here are some advices:
Become a Teacher
When you signed up for the job, there is an invisible contract that says coaching is teaching. Meaning you have to treat each players as student and not as winners or losers. If you treat a player like a student, you will notice tremendous improvement because players find it easy to get motivated if they are being taught. Allow them to see their improvement and help them improve in all ways possible, if you embrace this simple technique you can see success from a distance.
Offer Positive Reinforcement
Nothing beats the feeling of being rewarded once a good job is done, it gives us the feeling of wanting to it again and that action is called giving positive reinforcement. If a player gets positive reinforcement after doing the right thing, they will focus on doing it again and repeating the behavior. Positive reinforcement gives a person psychological satisfaction and it keeps them going.
Promote Team Work
When talking to your team, consider emphasizing teamwork and keep reminding them that they are stronger by working together. You can do that by giving them examples and telling them stories that persuade and teach them the concept of team work. Let them believe in the power of teamwork and allow them to be good friends because teams like this will surely win championships.
Make Them Feel Important
Since you created the soccer team, then saying that supporting them all the way will only make sense. In this light, being present in all practice, try-out and game is not enough. You have to come there filled with encouragement, verbally and physically. One way to do that is coming up with customized sports banner that will not only put color to the soccer field but as well as motivate your players in many ways. Team sports banner offers a wide range of templates that you can choose from for your soccer team. It will surely boost up their confidence once they see their names on the soccer banner. Fill the soccer field with different sports banner and make your team feel important. If they can see the name of their team on the field, it will drive them to work harder in the game and it will also intimidate the opposing team because they know that your team is well-supported.
When managing a soccer team, it is important to make them feel that they belong and that they matter. Give them the confidence they need and do even the littlest things to show that you care and you will be surprise what wonders your team can do.